It was left in the chamber, where it sits to this day.

And it was at his moment that our nation began its wander
toward the situation we find ourselves in today. A wholly uncivil war. Gone are the days of political parties
negotiating, striking deals, and therefore balance in all things. A presidency viewed by half the nation as
illegitimate was about to be tested in ways that could either heal these wounds
or drive the knife deeper into the divide.
14 years ago, a group of terrorists…religious extremists
bent on damaging our way of life, succeeded in planting a destructive seed at
the core of our republic. A wiser, more
restrained president…one willing to walk away from a legal challenge for the
office that he coveted, might have crafted a better response. Instead we were left with the very response
the terrorists sought from us…instead of adhering to the Christian principle of
“turning the other cheek”, we opted instead to follow more traditional Muslim
doctrine…”an eye for an eye”. We sought revenge, and that revenge would come
against anyone within easy range of our heavily laden bombers….innocent
countries and populaces that would bear the brunt of our unbridled anger…our
blood lust against a people and religion we lumped en masse with the would be
pilots who flew jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. If Al Gore’s act of patriotism was the
lighting of the fuse toward our new civil war, September 11th marked
the explosion that would divide our nation in ways that are only just now
becoming apparent.
Lacking any real response plan, the Bush/Cheney
administration opted instead to initially pursue a single man and his band of
followers across an uncivilized landscape in the Middle East. Whatever the contagion that exists in Afghanistan
is that prevents civilized nations from being formed there, that contagion, in
some sense has contaminated our own soil.
This isolated landscape, capable of both bitter cold and oppressive
heat, had humbled numerous armies and nations trying to rule over its tribal
peoples. Such attempts, like our own,
would come to no avail. Afghanistan,
even following thousands of bombs dropped on innocent people guilty only of
being born in this region, remains a nation incapable of being subjugated. The only mark we have left upon it is hatred
and the only nation building we have done will cease to exist the moment our
presence ends. All the lives and
treasure lost in the quest for one man and his band of followers….none of whom
we actually caught there….was more or les in vain. The lack of anything like a cohesive plan in
response to the events of 9/11 has deprived us of anything like moral
authority. Instead, we behaved like a
mortally wounded animal, lashing out, kicking, biting and injuring anything
that we could reach.
Unable to reach the victory we sought in Afghanistan, and
still thirsty for as much blood as we could drink, we proposed a campaign
against an opponent we had already vanquished once in the last decade. Our mission to topple a weak despot using
trumped up charges and outright lies was no less a boondoggle than our foray
into Afghanistan. Only this time, with
the heart of an actual nation removed, and no plan to reassemble it, we created
a void…a great vacuum into which those that had grown to hate us raced to fill. In our lust for revenge, and in accordance
with the wishes of those who had originally attacked us, we had strengthened
our enemies and provided them fertile ground in which their hatred of all
things American grow. It was as if bin
Laden had left a script in the rubble of the World Trade Center…a script we
were following to the letter.
Meanwhile, the seeds our nation’s demise, sown at the
election of George Bush and fertilized by the attacks of 9/11 were beginning to
sprout and grow. The disunity at the
time of the election had calcified our political system, and it lost the
ability to negotiate, refine and speak with anything like a unified voice. An illegitimate presidency was followed by a transformational
one…but one in which the opposition leadership declared from the beginning that
their primary mission was to thwart President Obama’s every move. Whether it was politics, racism, or some of
both, their anti-patriotic stance began to twist and pry the knife at the
wound, and the separation became more visible and far less easy to heal. We were a nation at war…not just overseas,
but here, among ourselves. An uncivil war where some made heroes out of those
who derided immigrants as “rapists and thieves”. Some lauded praise on those civil servants who
stood in the way of love. We protected
bankers while letting poor people go hungry, all in the name of good Christian
values. We watched a buffoon who wanted
to make a name for himself among his constituents taunt an heroic former
president, diagnosed with terminal cancer…a man who has defined what a “good
Christian “ really is, and who single handedly set the bar for the manner in
which a former president should set out to leave his mark upon the world.
The extreme right wing feels unheard and disenfranchised,
and yet how is it that they will ever be brought into a civilized discourse,
spewing hatred disguised as religious doctrine? They bomb women’s health clinics, shoot up
churches while people pray to a god who must be very confused by our actions in
his name and vote to wage war with yet another nation while opposing the notion
of negotiating for peace. We deny
scientific proof that we are killing our planet, and yet despite the fact that
we are killing ourselves, we protect our right to have guns more easily
obtained than a driver’s license. And I
wonder why? Why is the notion that a
well-armed civilian militia is so important?….and then I fear that this “uncivil war” is about to get real. Will that bullet left in the chamber 15 years
ago finally be fired?
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