You can count it in hours. The election of our generation is only 5 days away, and after 20 months of campaigning, I can say this without reservation....everything pertinent to the issues has been said. If you have not decided, you might as well find a heavy coin you can flip...or perhaps you can catch an all day matinee and sit this one out....that sure should sound great 50 years from now, with grandchildren on your knee...”why I remember the election of ’08....most important election of the century...nah, I didn’t vote. I couldn’t be bothered”. That ought to inspire the little tykes!
Perhaps the undecided voters are waiting for the October surprise. They are waiting some sort of galvanizing moment when the clouds part, and the choice somehow slaps them upside the head. However, maybe the real problem is that because the election has gone on so long, that these people have hit some sort of strange overload, where they simply cannot process any further data, and they are sick of it, and they stop watching the news shows and turn to Gilligan’s Island reruns on Nick at Night. They are undecided because they are not going to decide. These are the same people who struggle with “paper or plastic” at the grocery store, or the chicken or fish at a banquet. They are not prepared to starve a cold OR feed a fever. The choices posed by an elevator button panel can be debilitating. They never go to cafeterias. Selecting a tie is all but impossible.
Perhaps the undecided voters are waiting for the October surprise. They are waiting some sort of galvanizing moment when the clouds part, and the choice somehow slaps them upside the head. However, maybe the real problem is that because the election has gone on so long, that these people have hit some sort of strange overload, where they simply cannot process any further data, and they are sick of it, and they stop watching the news shows and turn to Gilligan’s Island reruns on Nick at Night. They are undecided because they are not going to decide. These are the same people who struggle with “paper or plastic” at the grocery store, or the chicken or fish at a banquet. They are not prepared to starve a cold OR feed a fever. The choices posed by an elevator button panel can be debilitating. They never go to cafeterias. Selecting a tie is all but impossible.
In the end, we can prod them to vote, or perhaps offer them a padded portion of fence on which to sit comfortably.
Indeed! This may be the most important vote in my life.
I came to your blog from the Politico Arena, where you posted a superb commentary on the reasons for a failing McCain campaign.
I glanced through a couple of your posts. I appreciate your even-handed approach. I'll be back.
Thanks for noticing...tell your friends...it makes one happy to know someone is reading something I've written...and I will surely return the favor!
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