Monday, December 8, 2008

Giving Thanks Part One

Wow...some folks want to "thank" our current "president" for giving us 7 years of safe living....I assume this is serious, though in some sense, I canot see how it could be.....but check it out at:

I actually dug around and found a place to write the buffoons who set this thing up. Not sure anyone will read it, but I vented at:

I wrote:

Really? A petition thanking “President” Bush? I am sure there are more stupid things on the web, but none comes to mind just now. If you are going to thank him for “keeping us safe for 7 years, you ought to “blame” him for allowing the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s history to occur on his watch....can’t have it both ways, I fear.

Put your energy into something constructive, like healing the damage done to this nation over the last 8 years...


Thanks to Wonkette for opening this can of worms....

1 comment:

Mezzoid Voice Studio said...

For the last few years, my husband and I have sarcastically said, "Thank YOU, George W. Bush," whenever any report came in of high unemployment, high gas prices, you name it, he screwed it up. I must say however, that as a result of high gas prices, I gained a business advantage over another singing teacher - suddenly no one wanted to drive 20 miles each way to study with this person when I was doing the same work within 3 miles round-trip. So - thank YOU, George W. Bush. And I mean it this time.