Sunday, October 26, 2008


Where is the outrage? Back when the Republican Party handed their nomination to John McCain, I thought they were brilliant. John McCain had a well regarded record as a “tweener”, not closely tied to the ridiculous far right, and enough of a centrist to actually pull votes from the Democrats in a year that Republicans are radioactive. Now, as his campaign twitches involuntarily in the last throes of life, there are many in his own party that want to condemn his campaign staff, his tactics, his running mate....really everything about him....and yet, doesn’t that all but miss the point?

John McCain will not be president of these United States in 2008 because George W. Bush was the worst president in the history of our republic. Do we really need to let history be the judge? Can’t we pretty much close the book on this guy now? Has anything he has done as president left this country better off? Has he succeeded in any small facet of leadership? The failures are underscored more heavily now as we anticipate him riding off into the sunset....during the financial crisis, he has been all but invisible, appearing every now and again to mumble some nonsensical drivel and then sneak away to play pong or Pac Man or whatever he does with his time these days. Then this weekend, he finds time and reason to bomb Syria. Has he no restraint? Do we need to relieve him of his duties before January 20th just to make sure he does no more serious harm?

I will admit when he came to power, my expectations were very low, I felt he was an unintelligent man, with no vision and no real reason to be president other than it was a job others said he should pursue. To his credit, he far exceeded my worst fears.

But there were many that liked this guy...enough in fact to re-elect him (WOW! How crazy is that given a few years of context?) I can assure you I had nothing to do with his re-election...but I am constantly surprised by the lack of outrage by his supporters, and by the nation in general. If we impeached Bill Clinton for the rather trivial offense of a misdeed of the flesh, what might the punishment for a president who led us into two wars (one unnecessary and contrived), and who failed to act responsibly to pay for said wars in a logical matter. He ran up a debt heretofore unimaginable under a Republican administration. We could talk about all the other blunders and missteps made by the administration, but the list would take up far too much space.....and the real bottom line is that despite the simmering dislike in the form of low approval ratings and such, where were the folks on the right now calling for McCain’s advisors to be fired? They let Bush slide, and now they act surprised by the results. The Republicans brought this on themselves because they let their clueless leader lead them to the edge of a cliff and like lemmings they followed right along over the edge. Republicans don’t believe in dissent. They find it un-American. And now, they find their quiet compliance to be a ticket out of Washington. A little outrage folks, might have kept you around....

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